Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Month 2

Today Sachin went for his 1st vaccinations at the pediatrician's. To our surprise, Glenn Ford was there with his new daughter, Avery. Apparently she has the same doctor.

Sachin weighed-in at 13 lbs 5 oz, and ~25" long. After being so friendly and chatty with Dr. Peer, he was "rewarded" with two needles, one on each thigh. He did some serious crying, but settled down with some cuddling. We could tell that Sachin was "off his game" tonight as all he wanted to do snuggle up to my chest and tell me all about the tough time he went through today.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Victoria Day Monday

Another rough night for Sachin and the crib. He was there for about 4 hours, but asleep for only about 3 hrs. To top things off he woke up with a snuffly nose :-(

On the bright side, he had a lovely visit with Grandma Sally and Uncle Gavin, but we were so absorbed in conversation that we forgot to take pictures.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

This weekend, auntie Anne came for a visit. Sachin can't wait to go for a run with her!

This weekend, he has started to learn how to hold things. We're still not sure that he realizes he's doing it though...

Sachin has outgrown most of his hats, so today he tried out a new one.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What's Mommy doing over there?


Here are the two Sachins...more awake but still not so aware of each other

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dealing with the "witching hour"

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Tummy time has become much less traumatic now that Sachin can hold his head up. However, when I scooched down to see at this eye level, I realized he can't actually see the baby in the mirror as the frame is too wide

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


First subway ride

Here's Sachin's reaction to the sound of the subway going by.

Meeting Robbie

On Monday, Sachin and I went for a walk in Yorkville with Joanna and Robbie. Here we are stopping for tea and coffee.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day #2

Daddy put on a funny play for me this afternoon!

Mother's Day

This morning I had a lovely Mother's Day treat as Andrew and Sachin served up breakfast in bed. Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, rosti, toast, coffee and juice. My first Mother's Day...hard to believe it. Tonight Mom and Dad are coming over for a BBQ.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Looking around

When you hold Sachin like this (for burping or any other reason) he prefers to look around now that he can hold his head up.

U of T already?

Signature Sachin stretch

The Gomez Lolas

Friday, May 8, 2009


Happy to report that Sachin had another full night in his bassinet. He went down at 9:30pm and managed to get himself back to sleep on at least 3 different occations. He's waking up to feed two times, but I'm now getting 3 - 3 1/2 hour stretches of sleep, instead of 2.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
